The Red Poll Society of South Africa | Website Links

Red Poll Breeder's Society Website Links

American Red Poll Association
Pure beef cattle breeds exist and thrive only to the extent that they can produce profits for their owners, across many environments, many markets and changing times. Since the development of the commercial beef industry in the United States.

Australian Red Poll Cattle Breeders
This website has information about the breed, contacts and coming events, including sales, members services and listings, animal search, and youth programs.

New Zealand Red Poll Cattle
The New Zealand Red Poll Cattle Breeders Association Inc.

Rare Breeds Survival Trust
We monitor the number of rare and native breeds. Every year we collect data from breed societies and use the number of animals registered in a year to estimate the total number of breeding females. From this we produce our annual Watchlist.

The Red Poll Cattle Society UK
The Red Poll Cattle Society is a registered Charity in the U.K. and was founded in 1888 to encourage the development of Red Poll cattle and promote their use within the livestock industry.

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